Western Australia
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Bunbury is situated 180 km south of Perth and is often called the "Capital of the Southwest" (of Western Australia). Located on the Indian Ocean, it is a large town, port and industrial area.

The old port of Bunbury
Bunbury has a number of interesting tourist spots:
Old Buildings
Kings Cottage built in the 1880s
Rose Hotel
St Marks Church (1842)
Old Convent of Mercy
Apart from the museum in King Cottage, there is the Boyanup Transport Museum.
Big Swamp Bird Park
The Bunbury Dolphin Trust
The Bunbury Dolphin Trust, on Koombana Beach, Bunbery, is place where you can meet bottlenosed dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). They come approach the beach to feed several times a day (a flag is raised when the dolphins are present).
There is a code of conduct that you must follow when you meet the dolphins the local volunteers will explain it to you and it is also outlined in a free brochure that you can pick up at the Dolphin Discovery Centre at Koombana Beach.
Going to see the dolphins at Koombana Beach is a lot of fun and it is a lot easier to travel to this spot from Perth (a trip of just 180 km) than it is going all the way to see the dolphins at the more famous Monkey Mia (almost 900 km from Perth).
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)