Australia For Visitors > Tamar Valley, TAS
Tamar Valley
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Located within easy reach of Launceston is the picturesque Tamar Valley which follows the tidal Tamar River and has many natural and architectural/historical attractions worth seeing.
The natural attractions include many vineyards (more than 20), orchards, strawberry and lavender farms, along with much grazing land and a number of forested areas.
The architectural and historical attractions include many convict buildings from the early 1800s, many of them of Georgian design.

Callington Mill, Oatlands, Tamar Valley, Tasmania
Natural Attractions
Many visitors follow the so-called Tamar Valley Wine Route, where you can drop in and taste the wines at Marion's Vineyard and other vineyards dotted around the town of Deviot.
The Notley Gorge State Reserve conserves a remant of the thick rainforest that used to stretch along the western bank of the Tamar River. The Reserve also contains large areas of ferns and a wildlife refuge.
The town of Hillwood is a rural area with farms you can visit (for example, the Hillwood Strawberry Farm, where you can pick your own strawberries, raspberries and apples).
The Lilydale district has many bushwalking trails and the town of Laila has a wonderful Rhododendron Gardens, which are worth visiting when the flowers are in bloom.
Architectural and Historical Attractions
The old gold mining town of Beaconsfield has several original mining buildings which you can visit as well as the interesting Grubb Shaft Museum (a mining museum).
Low Head has 25 National Trust listed buildings, including a convict-built Pilot Station which used to guide vessels up the Tamar River. It also has an interesting maritime museum and a lighthouse (built in 1888).
George Town has a National Trust classified Georgian stone residence named the Grove (dating from the 1830s).Other buildings of interest include the Old Watch House (1843) and St Mary Magdalen Church.
The town of Oatlands has the densest cluster of Georgian buildings anywhere in Australia -- over 140 in just two square kilometers. These include the spectacular Callington Mill. Many of the Georgian buildings are now used as antique shops and guesthouses.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)